forged, iron, blackened, high 26cm, weight 600g, bell diameter 6.5cm

forged, iron, blackened, high 28cm, weight 1.2kg, bell diameter 10cm

forged, iron, blackened, high 40cm
forged, iron, blackened, high 26cm, weight 600g, bell diameter 6.5cm
forged, iron, blackened, high 28cm, weight 1.2kg, bell diameter 10cm
forged, iron, blackened, high 40cm
We mostly use hammers, grinders, drop hammers and the like. However, we also use COOKIES here. We are blacksmiths and we don't know much about what they are good for, but we need your consent whether you provide them to us or not. In both cases, we can assure you that not much will happen because online marketing for replicas of historical weapons is prohibited. So there is nothing to be afraid of. You will not see swords, axes, maces etc. popping all over your internet (for that you can visit our stand or armoury in Březno :)